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  • Karen Villalpando

Women in Ministry; A great asset in the church

STERLING HEIGHTS – I serve the Lord in His Church as a woman. For 40+ years I have been faithful in one church and have found that being a woman is an asset. I can go places and do things my husband and the other men can’t. I am often received more readily and have unique insight into situations they lack. Wisely, they have embraced that reality and included me as their partner.

Ministry life requires commitment. 

There is no room for “maybe” I will, maybe not. It’s suiting up and showing up. Sometimes I don’t feel like it, but I do what I am committed to do. It’s never perfect, but His strength is made perfect in my weakness.  I rest, I pace myself, I do what I have to do to keep serving from the overflow. BUT there is no quit. 

Ministry life is a family calling. 

Our kids were part of our deacon ministry life. One evening I was feeling cranky as we cleaned the church ONE MORE TIME, because someone had left a mess. I was humbled by our young son as he ran happily through the room saying: “I just love serving God in deacon work.”

Well. Ok. Our daughter was very happy to receive 2 crock pots at her wedding shower, knowing she would need the extra to take meals to people. She is a deacon’s wife now.

Ministry life is Great Commandment living.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.”  This is not just for the “professionals”, but for all of us. We encourage others to be spiritually ready, to be lifelong learners, students of the Word, servants of others. THIS is church life. This is the blessing of being HIS and part of His family, the Church.

Women’s Studies.

I recently found a paper I wrote in the late 1970s for a Women’s Studies class at Oakland University. I had thoroughly researched the topic “Women in Ministry”, interviewing women from various denominations about their roles as pastors, nuns, music leaders, youth leaders, etc. I studied every scripture I could find that referenced women in Kingdom work and used those scriptures in my paper. It impressed the secular professor enough to earn an A. Looking back, I am somewhat impressed that 20-year-old Karen had some insight. But I knew so little, and my older self is still learning as I approach my 70s.

What about now?  

  1. I will continue to serve Jesus, His church, His mission regardless of what others say or do and in spite of changing trends. It’s not about them, and it’s not about me, my life, or my service. It is all about HIM. 

  2. I will serve in any way possible, sometimes in the realm of my giftedness, and at other times, just because it needs to be done and I am able, in His strength, to do it. 

  3. It doesn’t matter who gets the credit as long as HE gets the glory, the Gospel is shared, disciples are made, and the Kingdom comes, on earth as it is in Heaven.

I want to be a Friend of Jesus.

I always come back to the women friends of Jesus. They followed Jesus, supporting Him from their own possessions. (Luke 8: 1-3). They stayed with Him until the end, (John 19: 25) then showed up at the tomb. (Mark 16:2) They were sent by Jesus to proclaim His resurrection. (Matthew 28: 8-10). It doesn’t get any better than that.  I’m all in. 




Karen serves on staff at Memorial Baptist Church, Sterling Heights MI as the Administrator at Memorial Baptist Child Care Center. She enjoys her church life as the Women’s Bible Study Teacher and Mission Team Leader and serves on the Personnel Team and Pastor Search Team. Karen is active in the Deacon Ministry with her husband, Leonard. She has participated in Michigan Baptist life in many ways, including serving as an IMB Trustee and in Michigan WMU. 



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