by Barry Martin

PLYMOUTH, MI – I have seen the faithfulness of God as well as His grace extend far beyond what I ever thought possible! My wife April and I are both a part of the staff at Mile City Church in Plymouth, MI. We have three incredible kids - Caleb, who is a senior in high school, Chloe, a freshman in high school and Liam, who is finishing up his 8th grade year! We love being in an environment where we can serve together as a family and are grateful seeing how God is working not only in our lives, but in the lives of our teenagers.
Growing up in a preacher’s home, Easter has always been such an incredible high. It is the day we celebrate what Christ has done for us on the cross and through His resurrection. At Mile City, we love celebrating His resurrection in a different way every year. Our pastor, Travis Whittaker, is a creative type and wants to make Easter stand out to those who may only come once a year as well as for those who understand what the resurrection is all about.
I look forward to the spiritual “high” that comes on Easter morning, seeing so many people walking through the doors to hear that life changing message. Some of those people only come because of family or an invite from a friend and end up giving their life to Christ, realizing His love for them!
I have so many great Easter memories and traditions but to be honest my favorite Easter was in 2020. It may sound crazy. We had just shut down because of Covid, we knew it was going to be different, but there was something about sitting together as a family on the couch in our living room and watching our Easter service online. If you are in ministry, you know Easter is special, but also a lot of work! By the time services are over, we often just want to find a quiet place and sleep. 2020 was different because there was no big crowd but just me, my wife and our three kids worshiping the risen Savior that Easter morning.
My favorite passage when it comes to the resurrection is Luke 24:4-9, where it says:
“While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel. And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.” And they remembered his words and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.”
When I read this passage, I am reminded of two things. First of all, believe in the power of a risen Savior. My God is not dead, nor does He sleep! He is alive and interceding on my behalf before our Heavenly Father!
The second thing that speaks to me is that phrase “they remembered his words.” How many times do I forget His promises in my life, taking my focus off the risen Christ and putting them on circumstances, people, or problems in my life. When I come back to His words and promises, I am encouraged by the fact that He will never leave me nor forsake me!
Barry Martin and his wife April are both on staff at Mile City in Plymouth, MI. Barry is the Plymouth Location Pastor as well as a church-based church planting catalyst with the Send Network. April is the Kids Director for both Plymouth and South Lyon locations of Mile City Church.