by David Longstaff

GRAYLING, MI – The summer of 2020 was a turning point in our church, as God used us to reach thousands in our community through a weekly food truck ministry. Our dedicated group of volunteers were instrumental in carrying out the Lord’s work to the community of Grayling.
Each week, a truck from the Eastern Michigan Food Bank arrived, and our volunteers unloaded the truck, packed boxes and bags for the needy. They worked tirelessly all morning and afternoon every Thursday in rain, wind and extreme heat. They served snacks, filled trunks with fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, meats, and canned foods, and also shared Christ and offered prayer to those driving through.

As the summer came to a close, our team brainstormed on what more could be done. This led to a vision for the future that will include a food pantry, thrift store & donation center, and a mission center that will house up to 12 people. It is our desire to offer a hand up in place of a handout. The mission’s Christ-centered program will involve Bible study, job coaching, life skills, and require service to the church and in turn the community. The new building will also include an event center with additional classrooms, as we outgrow our current space.
It is our plan, if the Lord allows, to have the foundation set within one year, with the project completed in three years. We know that this will take much dedication, volunteer hours, manpower, and funds. We ask you to pray for God’s provision in fulfilling His plan for Grayling Baptist Church. It is our heart to serve the lost and needy in our community and share the love of Christ with them in this tangible way.

Last summer we also had the privilege to host Tim & Krista Morris, missionaries who hooked up their RV behind the church. They were such a blessing to many. From prayer, to visitation, to grounds upkeep, and much more, we truly appreciated their service to the Lord and our church. We are seeking another couple for the upcoming summer, so contact me if you are interested.
I will leave you with this life-changing scripture from 1 John 3:16-18: “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”

Dave Longstaff has been ministering in northern Michigan for more than ten years. God has allowed him, his wife Jennifer, and their five children to plant four churches in the U.S. and assisted in planting a church in Togo, Africa. He has been serving at Grayling Baptist Church for four years.