by Jason Livvix

OSCODA, MI – 'Tis the season to be jolly, fa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra! This is from one of my favorite Christmas movies, “A Christmas Story”. While the movie is full of silly humor it gives us the reality of what Christmas is all about to most people. I just want this material item that will make me happy. We know Christmas is much more than that. I want to encourage you to take advantage of the season. There are two things I want to encourage you to do.

1. Tell others the reason for the season.
I know this is the “Sunday School” answer but there is not a better time of year than this to tell people about Jesus. If you are praying for someone for salvation, take them a small gift and then explain to them the gift of salvation.
Wherever you happen to be, workplace, holiday gathering, even shopping, and a conversation comes up about Christmas, chime in and let them know about the real reason for the season. It may surprise you how many people might not know the real meaning of Christmas.
2. I encourage the Church to celebrate the Christmas season.
At Fresh Start Fellowship we have a variety show. Some people sing Christmas songs, some read poems, we have comedy, and most importantly we have fellowship while giving praise to Jesus for the greatest gift of all, salvation.
If you are thinking you don’t have enough people, just know that we have been very small in numbers some years, but it has always been encouraging and it is a great time to invite a friend. It has been a good way to get a spouse that does not come or a friend that is unsure about coming to church to rub shoulders with the church in the building and have fun.
Each year I play the Charlie Brown Christmas scene where Linus explains the real reason for the season and then we take some time to pray for our community and the year to come.
I will leave you with this. I am reminded each time I go on a mission trip to a third world country that material things are really not that important. I have been in homes where the roof does not keep all parts of the house dry, and it has a dirt floor. The walls are rough sawn wood, and the size is that of my shed out back. The family barely fits in the dry part to sleep, each is grateful that they have some kind of shelter at all. Despite everything, they have an attitude of gratitude for salvation and they understand that with it they have everything.
They can look past the lack of physical possessions to that of eternal position. With Jesus they have hope, not for wealth or stuff, but for promises of His Word and eternity itself. Let this Christmas be the one where we forget about commercialism and get back to what Christmas is all about; sharing the greatest gift of all time, the Good News of Jesus.

Pastor Jason Livvix is the Planter/Pastor of Fresh Start Fellowship of Oscoda since 2013. Serving with his beautiful wife Tracy and their four wonderful children, Madeline, Wyatt, Joel and Sophia. The oldest three have moved back to Illinois where he's from originally.