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The power of spoken words

by Coye Bouyer

LANSING, MI – Words have incredible power, sometimes we forget just how much power spoken words actually have in and over our lives. A life-giving positive tongue creates a positive community, creating greater joy in one’s own life and within the life of their community.

Proverbs 15:4 says, “A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit.” Here, Solomon is saying that your mouth possesses the power of medicine to bring back the life of its listener. However, just as gentle and soothing speech can rejuvenate and revive; harsh speech, coarse, callous or critical conversation from a mean mouth, possesses the power to crush or BREAK the MORALE (spirit) of its hearer.

In a recent sermon series, I tried to remind myself and our church of how reckless words wreck, and how we must be careful to cautiously consider our conversation.

So how about you today? Are you carefully calculated in your conversation. Are you tactfully taming your tongue, or are you tackily traumatizing others with it? Remember just as a mean mouth can crush the morale of another it is also true that your mouth can minister medicine. Think about it.



Pastor Coye L. Bouyer is the founding pastor of Kingdom Life Church in Lansing, MI. where he has served since March of 2010. Pastor Bouyer recently stepped into the Diversity Ambassador role for the BSCM and firmly believes that he was not only called to Preach the Gospel as part of the process of reconciliation of man to God, but also using any platform as a bridge of reconciliation of man to man, and even more so amongst the brethren. Pastor Bouyer and his lovely wife Keturah (Gen. 25:1) have been married four over 20 years and have four children; Sierra, Seth, Cayla and Coye II.


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