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  • Amgad Beshai

The international mission field next door

DETROIT – What makes America unique is its great ability to unite despite differences. America is considered a melting pot that has the ability to unite civilizations, races, ideologies, and religions together in orchestrated harmony.

Despite all the differences and the wars that are taking place between different cultures and religions outside of the United States, here, we live in harmony together both in the spiritual and the political arenas.

The genius of those who charted the constitution is that it provided equal and free access without discrimination and with no regard to race, political affiliation, religion, or creed. What a great accomplishment! But do you understand that this great and wonderful provision puts a great responsibility on the church?

Because of our constitution, the world desires to become part of this great nation. Immigrants from other countries pour into the United States seeking the freedom, life, prosperity, accessibility to worship without the fear of being persecuted.

Unfortunately, the church has not always been prepared to embrace and serve the needs of those who migrated or escaped persecution seeking refuge in this country. If the American churches do not reach out to immigrants and refugees, it goes against our call in the Gospel.

While the Church is opening its eyes to the needs of other nations, it is often blinded to the influx of refugees and illegal immigrants who are now here in our state. Large sums of money are raised for mission work to reach the world with the Gospel message, but many of these same nations are represented in the refugees who come to America. The immigrants are flooding communities with their cultures, religions, and languages to the point that the mission field is now not only outside the US, but actually inside every community, city, and state.

I see the need for our American churches to steer the direction of missions to the needs of the refugees and immigrants inside our borders while still engaging to reach the outside world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can reach the nations by starting with the people who have moved into our state as neighbors.

The mission we are called to fulfill includes our own Jerusalem and Samaria. The church must move forward before time runs out. Churches must continue announcing the truth of the Word of God.

Every U.S. president inaugurated puts his hand on the Bible affirming the foundation of justice, liberty, and freedom given in this land. Many Americans do not realize that some of the nations coming to this country come from places like the Middle East where Christians are under attack.

It is imperative that the church move forward and proclaim boldly the message of truth and love in the Bible, and especially the Lord Jesus Christ whose message and life transforms the human race. It is our responsibility to stand for what God has entrusted to the Church.

The Church MUST act firmly and move forward before time runs out. A sobering word I leave with you was uttered by Christ himself warning and questioning the Church by asking,

“When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on earth?” Luke 18:8



Amgad Beshai is the pastor of the Evangel Arabic Baptist Church in Troy, Michigan. He and his wife, Eman, have a daughter, Vernie, and two sons, Kevin and Chris.


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