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  • Karen Blanchard

Surrendering the school year to the Lord

SHELBY TOWNSHIP – The beginning of a new school year always brings so many new possibilities. As a child, I loved shopping for new clothes and supplies before a new school year. There is something special about beginning fresh and new!

Now as a parent some of those feelings have stayed the same, but anxiety also tries to creep in. If I am not careful, I can let fear and worry begin to fill my mind with the “what ifs” to come. God is so good to meet me in this place, always reminding me that He loves my kids more than I ever could! He has a good plan and purpose for them that can’t be thwarted (Job 42:2).

So, I choose at the beginning of the school year to place my children in His hands, because there is no better place for them to be. I invite you to pray this prayer over your children as they begin the 2024-2025 school year.


Father God,

I thank you for your goodness to my family. Thank you for the time of rest and fun over the summer that we were able to enjoy. Thank you for the memories that were made and the adventures that we experienced.


As we begin a new year, Lord, I am reminded that your Word says that you go before all things and that you hold all things together. So, Lord, as we enter this new school year, I am choosing to place my children into your hands. You have promised to go before them and be with them through everything they encounter this school year. You often remind me how much you love them and that you have a good plan and purpose for them. Lord, right now I recognize that they are your children and place them into your sovereign hands. I pray that whenever fear tries to creep into my heart this school year, that you remind me of this moment - the moment I surrendered them to you.


God, I pray for my children to be a light in their community. I pray that they will be strengthened in their faith this year, and out of that relationship with you, they learn how to navigate the circumstances that come their way. I pray that when confronted with situations where they need to choose right from wrong, that your voice will be the loudest in their hearts and minds. God, I pray that your Holy Spirit will lead and direct them this year.


I pray for peace of mind, clarity of thought, and diminished distractions in their lives this year. I pray they work hard, do their best, and do it all for your glory, knowing that you are the one who gives them the intellect to achieve greatness and the ambition to succeed.


Lord, I pray for a community of friends and teachers who will help build my kids up and speak life to them. I pray for friends who will be encouragers and friends who will support them. I pray for teachers who will not only be focused on their jobs, but will also inspire and challenge them to be the best they can be. I pray for teachers who make my children feel seen and cared for.


Finally, I pray for protection against the evil one. No doubt he will be ready to throw his fiery darts this year. God, I pray for my children to stand firm in their relationship with you so that no matter what the enemy comes against them with, they can battle the attacks because they are rooted and grounded in you.


I thank you in advance for the ways you will grow my children and myself this year. Help us to trust you on the hard days and seek your face when we grow weary. I pray these verses over them today,


“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” – Numbers 6: 24-26, NIV

God, I surrender my kids to you this school year.





Karen is married to Scott Blanchard, pastor of Lakepointe Church, and moved from Florida to Michigan in the summer of 2009 to plant Lakepointe Church in Shelby Township. She enjoys mentoring and discipling women and also leads women’s life groups through her church. She is passionate about helping women find their purpose in who God created them to be. She is on staff at Lakepointe Church and loves being part of what God is doing in the Metro Detroit area!

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