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Mickey Gross

Reconnect and refresh in this lovely land

ROSCOMMON – Thinking of the Bambi Lake Friends and Alumni Gathering, May 17-19, made me remember this old hymn, Precious Memories. This is the third verse:

“In the stillness of the midnight,

Echoes from the past I hear,

Old-time singing, gladness bringing, 

From that lovely land somewhere.

Precious mem-ries, how they linger,

How they ever flood my soul,

In the stillness of the midnight,

Precious, sacred scenes unfold.”

So many sermons. So many long talks with friends. So many worship and camp songs. So many lingering strolls along the beach. So many amazing chalk talks. So much good food. So many slippery rides down the hill, tubing. So many blazing bonfires.

Bambi Lake is such a special place, one where all these things, and more, have happened over and over again. I am so grateful that this place, this “Lovely Land,” is set apart for a sacred reason—to experience and be reminded of the goodness of God. 

Many of us have stories about how we were impacted at Bambi, and I hope that you will plan to come to this Gathering weekend so that your story can be heard and God will be glorified in it. 

Take Rachel, for example. Her first experience at Bambi Lake was as a toddler with her parents, then as a camper at Mom and Me, Girls In Action Camp, Metamorphosis Teen Camp, and Youth Winter Retreats. At each of these events, Rachel experienced God, layer by layer, and forged lasting relationships. Her favorite places were sitting in front of the cozy fire playing endless games of Uno, swinging on the beach swing at night while talking with a friend, and finding solitude to pray at the prayer chapel. 

All was well. Until it wasn’t. 

Life-as she knew it-abruptly ended for Rachel in the middle of her high school years. Her family was broken apart and her brother was away at college, leaving her alone in a very dark, tumultuous sea of more questions than answers. She had to figure out who God really was. Was He faithful? Was He good? Was He only-wise? 

Rachel was raised in church and had a good Biblical foundation, but there comes a time in our lives when we all need to take real ownership of our faith. Rachel was no different. But navigating these dark times became easier as she knew that Bambi would provide the space she needed to heal. At Bambi, she was able to quiet herself enough to seek God’s face, gaining her own set of sea legs in the faith that would go on to serve her well into adulthood. “Bambi has always been a safe and comfortable space where God has met me in my pain and my joy, providing clarity in my journey as I have followed His leading.”

Rachel is now a Pastor’s wife and mom to 3 busy kids. She sees Bambi as a safe haven that she will share with her own kids this summer. Her hope and prayer is that they, too, will find Bambi to be a place where they can encounter the goodness of God. 

For 65 years, God has used Bambi Lake to touch thousands of lives, just like Rachel’s. We extend a warm invitation for you to join us on this weekend that is set apart to honor our past, celebrate the present and work toward a bright and blessed future. It will be a time of fun, fellowship, music, testimony, food, and an abundance of love and laughter.

“Praise the LORD…young men and women, old men, and children. Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.” Psalm 148

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Mickey Gross lives in Garden City, MI and is a member of Resurrection Church in Lincoln Park. She has devoted years in church leadership as a children's ministry director, praise team member, pianist, facilities coordinator, and event planner. Mickey loves camp ministry and has had the privilege of spending time at camp as a camper, serving as a volunteer, and operating on the leadership team for Harvest Retreat.



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