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New church in Taiwan a testimony to the power of prayer

Baptist Beacon

TAIWANMing Wei* is a firm believer in the power of prayer. Eight years ago, when she moved back to her husband’s hometown, she began to pray for the opportunity to make a difference in this dark part of Taiwan. This town of 50,000 has only two Christian churches but is home to countless temples.

Two years later, the opportunity to work with children provided the perfect chance. Wei and others taught Bible stories and songs and held camps and other activities to share Jesus’ love with the children and their families.

Ming Wei (name changed) leads an activity during a summer camp in Taiwan. Wei uses opportunities like this to share the gospel. (IMB Photo)

People slowly came to faith, and the need for a church became a reality. The believers began the process to receive government approval to start a church. To receive approval, they needed to have a minimum of 21 people attend a meeting.

As the day drew near, only 17 people had committed to come to the meeting. Wei spent time praying over whether to cancel the meeting.

She heard God ask, “If 17 people are gathered together to worship Me, is that not worthy of a meeting? Is it not enough to come together to pray and worship, even if you do not have 21 people?”

Wei was convicted. The meeting went on as planned, and 23 people attended. The government gave approval for the believers to become an official church.

Believers in Taiwan gather to worship and await government approval to become a church. Pray for this new church and for the right people to be raised up to shepherd the flock. (IMB Photo)

Pray for this new church and for the right people to be raised up to shepherd the flock. Pray this town would transform from idol worshipers to Christ-followers.

Your gifts through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® make it possible for Southern Baptists to live and work in Taiwan, where they share the gospel, disciple new believers, and work alongside national believers to start churches. Thank you for giving.

Learn more about East Asia.

*Name changed

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of Woman’s Missionary Union.



Julie McGowan is public relations manager for the IMB.



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