by Rick and Cindy Truesdail
Hello, MI COMers!

Fall Rally is already behind us and the holidays are approaching fast! Do not be so “sale-shopping minded” that you pass up this month to pause each day to be thankful for all that God has blessed you with. “For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” Psalm 100:5. Amen.
We were more than excited to have several newer members of MI COM to come to Bambi Lake Baptist Camp to work and get to know everyone. What a great joy to have young families, retired couples and single adults as a part of our family. We are a well-rounded group of ages and backgrounds, which makes a wonderful fellowship as we share what God has done in our lives as well as what He is doing today.
We were so blessed to have a concert by TJ and Helena Witherell. This young lady has a beautiful voice and as a team, these two people love to minister for the Lord any way they find an open door. Larry and Mary Allen, our newest members, came and he was able to share his testimony of God’s miraculous hand in his medical journey just this year. Jon and Brandi Dyke – and their four lovely daughters – were a joy to work with and see these littler ones participate and enjoy the mission. Terry Simmons joined us here for the first time and worked tirelessly to take care of anyone who would let her do so. And of course, we bumped shoulders all week with SBC MI Disaster Relief Chainsaw Team and got to know many of them better. If you didn’t make this work week, be sure to watch for the Spring Rally 2022 dates and plan to be here then! We could go on and on how wonderful the week was, how blessed we all were, and how thankful we were to meet many needs of Bambi Lake Camp as we worked to clean up and close for the winter. Thanks to everyone who came out!
Sharing Christ as We Go,
Rick and Cindy
MI COM Ladies’ Sewing Event
Saturday, November 13, 2021, at 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
At Heritage Baptist Church, 5199 E Hill Rd, Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Things you can bring:
Your sewing machine and sewing supplies.
Cotton, flannel, and fleece materials
Christmas cotton materials
We will make:
Youth bags, pillows, Christmas Stockings, ornaments, and non-sew throws for the foster and refugee children at Bethany Christian Services in Grand Rapids.
Baby burp pads and bibs for mothers who opt to keep their baby at Pregnancy Resource Center in Flint. Lunch will be provided.

2022 COM National Rally
June 7-9, 2022
North Florida Fairgrounds
Tallahassee, FL
This will be the Golden 50th Anniversary of Campers on Mission. "Renew in 2022" will be the theme. Mark your calendars, start saving your money for travel, and be ready to register when it's available. More information will follow as we get it over the next few months.
Bambi Lake Camp Work Week and Fall Rally
October 18-23, 2021

For more information, contact Rick and Cindy Truesdail.
Phone: (810) 869-4716
Facebook: Michigan Campers on Mission
Update on Jachin ABC Youth Program
Jachin Baptist Church invited us to an Open House to view the finished project. The house is completed and ready to go to auction at a reasonable price to a family who can enjoy it and help improve this neighborhood.

Article from our MI COM Member
Excited to be part of Michigan Campers on Mission family
by TJ and Helena Witherell

We greatly enjoyed our time at the Fall Rally at Bambi Lake Camp, we met so many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. One of our favorite things about traveling is all the wonderful people you meet along the way. Helena was able to learn how to sew and what a blessing this was as she has always wanted to learn how to do that. Everyone was so kind as we served, it was a blessing to us to be able to be part of Campers on mission, we are thankful God led us to this group and are excited for what the future may hold.
God Bless
TJ and Helena
TJ is a minister, Helena sings. They are fulltime RVers in a 43’ tour bus, from the Kalamazoo area. They seek opportunities to minister in churches around Michigan and share the Good News in word and song.
Article from our MI COM Member
Larry Allen: God is so good! I'm here this week with Michigan Campers on Mission helping get the camp ready for winter. I'm so grateful for all of you have prayed for me and those of you who still are. I spent the morning installing new hangers for life jackets at the beach. Also I am thrilled to be getting opportunities to tell God's story.... Having a great time with the Michigan Campers on Mission here at Bambi Lake Campground. Helping get the place ready for winter. Spent the morning removing cattails from lakeshore at the end of the Monster Hill tubing run.
Ruth Farwell: Yes, I’m back at one of my happy places working with Campers on a Mission and Disaster Relief. Monday... Tuesday, finishing touches cleaning and organizing the boat house, getting things ready for winter.
Jerry Pipher: Last week here at Bambi Lake we were blessed with a group from the Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief and the Michigan chapter of Campers on Missions. The two groups teamed up and joined the staff here at Bambi to erase a large number of projects on the “Fall clean up” list. These tasks included cleaning the beach and boat house areas, dropping and removing a number of dead / dying trees, winterizing cabins / cottages and the campground, sewing curtains for some of the cabins, laundry and even going to one of the neighboring churches to do some work. One of the other tasks was to feed these fine folks (about 50) during the week. The meals were prepared, served and of course cleaned up with members ( who were appreciated more than they will ever know )of the three groups along with myself. Terri, Kim, Gina and Linda were a great help in the kitchen. Thanks again ladies. The one common thing that brings these groups together to serve in whatever manner it might be is Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not all of the tasks that were completed last week were the most enjoyable to do but they were done with the thought in mind that we were serving Our Lord in hopes that others may have the opportunity to experience the forgiveness, love and grace that Our Lord has shown us through our relationship with Him. Thanks again to Campers on Missions and Disaster Relief.
Note: When volunteer missionaries work for the Lord, it is rewarding and fun! We don’t do it for money or fame, but for His glory!

I think Campers on Mission is a team sport—well, let’s say a team effort. I say this after reading the Book of Nehemiah, where after a little coaxing from the man, the Israelites together said: “Let us arise and build” (2:18). I like that word us, don’t you? It goes right along with we and our—words representing group action.
And moving along in the chapter we see wonderful phrases repeated over and over again: phrases like “next to them” and “next to him” and “after him”—again, phrases indicating group action with people working together to do something good, specifically, building and repairing the wall around Jerusalem.
And they achieved that amazing goal in only 52 days, baffling all their enemies and naysayers. Why? Because they simply “had a mind to work” (4:6). They embraced the task and persevered through every encumbrance.
So, I just want you to know how much I thank God for giving folks like you a mind to work alongside one another to accomplish even little things ...
To the Praise of His Glory,
Chaplain Chip
Prayer Requests
Pray for Tim and Gayle Jones. Both are hospitalized with Covid and pneumonia. They tested positive and were unable to attend the Fall Rally
Praise Report
God’s presence was all around us and the Disaster Relief Chainsaw Team at Bambi Lake and we accomplished much to His glory.
“If you point these things out to the brothers and sisters, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.”
1 Timothy, 4:6, 8-10 NIV
If you have a prayer request or a praise report, please share it with us and we will post it on the website and include it in our monthly newsletters.
For Sale
We have fun things and essentials for you to let others know you are a MI COMer!!!
We encourage you to wear the tees whenever you are working or on a COM event.

Tees are printed on the front and the back
Patches are iron-on or easy to sew onto your shirts or jackets
Key Chains are plastic on metal holder
Hand-held fan is paper on wooden handle
Hats are gray with embroidered logo, adjustable
Lapel Pins are easily attached to a suit jacket or coat.
Stickers to put on notebooks, computers, etc.
Pens to accent your writing
Contact Cindy for your purchase.
Presidents/Project Coordinator: Rick & Cindy Truesdail
Vice-President/Project: Tony Morningstar
Hospitality/Food Coordinator: Kim Norrington & Maria Hannuksela
Sewing Project Coordinator: Cindy Truesdail & Terry Simmons Cleaning & Beautification Coordinator: Sharon Hessling & Ruth Farwell
Secretary: Brandy Dyke Treasurer: Gary Hannuksela Chaplain: Pastor Chip Collins Historian: Cindy Truesdail
Disaster Relief Liaison: Warren Hessling

Keep checking at our online Website and Facebook for announcements!
Facebook: Michigan Campers on Mission
For more information, contact: Rick & Cindy Truesdail Phone: (810) 869-4716