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Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal is $165 million

"I saw a great multitude from every nation and all tribes and peoples and languages standing before the throne." Revelation 7:9

National goal: $165 million

2019 Week of Prayer for International Missions – December 1-8

RICHMOND, VA – Generous giving to the 2019 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® makes a difference among the multitudes. Men, women, children, and entire communities are transformed as a result of this offering. Your gifts enable thousands of missionaries to live among, serve, and share the gospel with people who have never heard it until now.

Every December since 1888, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering has empowered Southern Baptist’s international missions work. At the beginning of this giving season, we start with a week of prayer dedicated to international missions, taking place December 1-8.

As IMB President Paul Chitwood told messengers at the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting: “The gospel is being preached among the nations, and we are privileged to be part of it.” Thanks to your gifts through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, he could report that:

  • Overseas baptisms by churches that IMB missionaries have planted or directly partner with have increased by more than 6,000 over last year.

  • New church starts reported in 2018 were nearly triple the number of new church starts IMB reported in 2016.

  • The number of national believers who received advanced theological training increased by 10,000 over each of the prior two years.

Watch this inspiring video. Together We are able to do so much more together, than if we were chasing this vision alone.

The stories in the Week of Prayer brochure and accompanying videos show the impact IMB missionaries are having around the world.

  • Here to Serve Walking with missionaries in Africa reminded Dr. Paul Chitwood just how much missionaries depend on your support.

  • A Season of Change A married couple in a Mexican labor camp were barely holding on—until IMB missionaries introduced them to Jesus.

  • Gospel on the Move They’re hard to find and even harder to stay connected with, but East Asia’s nomadic herdsman are slowly hearing the gospel.

  • Catching a Vision As IMB missionaries train South Korean students and send them out, lives are changed—and the students are too.

  • A New Beginning Amid heartbreak and loss, some Venezuelans are finding radiant hope in Christ.

  • Sowing Seeds An IMB emeritus missionary reunites with a young Bulgarian man he discipled decades ago.

  • Answering Life’s Questions A young Québécois’ life was sinking until an IMB missionary helped him find his purpose in following Jesus.

  • Sidewalk Chapel After contemplating suicide, a Japanese man finds new life through a ministry to the homeless.



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