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by Joel Wayne

HUDSONVILLE, MI – We crave authenticity. We don’t like knockoffs. Copycats are seen as a degradation of the original. We don’t like imitations. They are not the real thing. When you want an oatmeal cookie with a cream filling you want a Little Debbie’s oatmeal cream pie…. You don’t want the knock off brand.

As Paul writes to the Church in Corinth He says, "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1)

Paul is pointing out that he is imitating Jesus. He is imitating Jesus. It is only in imitating the proper source that we discover the value of leadership transference.

Leadership transference is the modeling of Christ in order to gain the courage to press forward.

This begs an important question? Are we being sincere, authentic, to the call of God in our churches? Are we “copycats?” Are we simply replicating that which came before, or what the guys are doing down the street? Or are we attentive to the “new thing”, the “authentic call” God has for our lives. How would your leadership answer the above?

We have been called to imitate those who follow Christ, but to also recognize when we have given up our identity for the sake of not having to do the difficult task of exploring all God may be asking from us.

It comes from deep conviction and is rooted in that not seen (Hebrews 11:1). It is teaching first that which God has called us to; while equipping others to make decisions that don’t slowly drift from the original call. I think back of when I was installing a 4-foot picket fence in my twenties. I cut the first picket, and then proceeded to use each additional picket as the template and model for the next cut. In time, my pickets were more than “off”. They stopped resembling the original. Have our churches stopped resembling the original call God put on our hearts?

Are you transferring a calendar and program to your people, or are you transferring a movement of God that propels a ministry to engage your community with love and power?

Are we imitating the right thing? The truth we discover in answering this question forces a deep evaluation of self.

I know the leaders within the state are ready to not only help you discover that which you are transferring, but how to imitate the call and passion of Jesus. Don’t be afraid of the answer, fear being unwilling to ask the question. We are here to join you in serving a mighty God.



Joel Wayne is the Pastor of Chapel Pointe and Executive Director of Be The Church.


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