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Another lesson of gratitude

Ken Hale

BATTLE CREEK – When I was asked to write this article, little did I know that God was about to lead me through a journey where, once again, I will learn to be grateful for another lesson in which God would be showing me His goodness and strength. Now, if you are like me, when these “journeys” come, you are so excited you can hardly wait to see what is going to happen. NOT!! Really. My thoughts are, “Here we go again. How do I learn to be grateful?”


I recently came across a definition of gratitude or being grateful that I have tried to apply each time I am about to, and or face another journey. “Being grateful enables us to see the hand of God guiding our lives; it strengthens our will to keep His commandments.”

As I keep adding years to my life, I want to be closer to my Lord with each journey He leads. I would like to share a recent journey that caused my lovely wife Carol and I to seek God’s guidance and direction, and that taught us again to be grateful for God’s word. 


I was in my office preparing for Sunday’s message. All day I had felt a troubled spirit upon me. I prayed. I tried to seek direction from the Word yet there was this uneasiness upon me. I was truly concerned. Was God preparing me for something where I needed His direction? Then, the challenge came.


We received a very disturbing phone call that shattered our lives. When we hung up from the call, we were both numb, hurt, and disappointed. All of the emotions a person can go through, we were experiencing. It was tough trying to sleep. What was God doing? Where was He leading?


I rose up early, as I do, got my coffee, and proceeded to the couch where I spend my morning time. I prayed especially for God’s guidance for help in facing this difficult journey. And as always, the Creator provided Scripture for that moment and to talk about peace. I felt God’s precious Spirit move into the room and it was like He was saying, “We’ve got this!”


Yes, I am grateful for the difficult journeys that I travel. It is there that I have learned to completely give everything to God. It is also during these journeys that my wife and I have learned, “Worry about nothing – Pray about everything!”


The reward of being grateful is knowing God is with us, guiding us through life’s difficult challenges. It is my prayer as you journey through the difficult times, God will teach you and show how great He is and be grateful for His direction.



Pastor Ken Hale is the pastor at Harper Creek Baptist Church in Battle Creek.


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