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A salvation story

Jamie Lynn

PLYMOUTH – Each person’s story of that journey is distinct but shares the common foundation of our loving God sending His Son to die for our sins, being raised, and is now in heaven with His Father interceding for us. He wants a relationship with us. I’m humbled by that truth. My story of coming to know and accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior is the bedrock of my life. 


I am a Michigander and my family lived in Swartz Creek. I grew up in a home where we prayed before meals, attended church every Sunday (morning and evening) as well as Wednesday evening. My dad worked for General Motors, and my mom stayed home with my 6 siblings and me. My connection with the church was more important to me than the friends and classes at school. 


From a young age, I loved to hear preaching from the Bible, singing hymns, and being part of the discussions in Bible studies. At nine years old, I asked my dad what people whispered in the ear of the pastor when they went to the altar at the end of service. He explained the Gospel to me and seemed so happy that I asked. The next week, I went after service to talk with the evangelist, Sam Cathy, who had me repeat a prayer of salvation. Shortly afterwards, I was baptized. 


I tried to live a clean sin-free life, but I found it more of a struggle than it should have been since I was professing to be a Christian. I noticed how others seemed to have a vibrant personal faith whereas I felt like I was part of a church culture instead of having a real relationship with Holy God. I watched how my dad was moved by people’s testimonies, and how he would stay up to take us to church on Sunday mornings after having worked all night. His prayers seemed to come from his heart. His faith felt real. Mine didn’t.


As a young teen, I remember that service so clearly. An evangelist came to our church. He explained the rebellion and ugliness of sin, and how it separated us from God. Our only chance to be freed from the penalty of that sin-guilt was by believing in His Son, Jesus Christ. My head and heart exploded! For the first time, I saw my real need for a savior. All my clean living wasn’t going to earn my way to be in God’s presence. My heart was broken.


I prayed and asked God to forgive and save me. I told Him how I believed that His Son died for my sin, was buried, and rose again after 3 days. Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice for my sin. He saved me! I was so filled with peace and joy. I no longer felt like I was playing the part of ‘Christian’. I had an inner transformation that changed my point of view on everything. Since I had been ‘baptized’ at 9 years old, I thought I didn’t need to tell anyone that I had just become a new believer at age 13.


After having spiritual doubts at 18 years old, I spoke with my pastor, sharing with him that I was truly saved at age 13, but wasn’t growing in Christ as I should. He walked me through Scriptures and told me that being baptized was an act of obedience as a believer. I came to realize that I had never been baptized as a follower of Christ. Being baptized was an amazing experience to show the world that I was dead to my sinful way of life, and risen with Christ to a new life and commitment to follow Jesus!

After my baptism, I began to grow with leaps and bounds in my Christian walk! My perspective had changed. I was looking at life, my life, its purpose, and my part in God’s plan through a whole new lens.


I was married the next year (age 19) and continued my intentional journey to grow in maturity and sanctification in Christ. Serving and loving God and His Son Jesus Christ is the best privilege of my life. 



Jamie works as Executive Assistant for the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. Her greatest joy is serving Jesus Christ. Her husband, Tony, their three children, and nine grandchildren are gifts from God that fill Jamie's life to overflowing. Mentoring young women in the Lord is a ministry of delight. Jamie and her family served 13 years with the IMB international mission work in Niger Republic, West Africa, and Paris, France. 


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