PLYMOUTH, MI – Let me introduce you, briefly, to some fantastic people planting churches around you. During the last three years, twenty-seven new churches were launched in SEND Network Michigan and SEND Detroit.

One of our church planters has wavy hair and a deep southern-accent when he speaks. He loves to watch entertainment-wrestling, and when he preaches his southern expressions fill the sermon, “Grinnin’ like a possum eatin’ a sweet tater.” I am glad the Lord called he, his wife and two little ones to plant a new church in Waterford.
Another church planter and his wife who have outstanding careers in business and incredibly courteous children answered the call to plant a new church in Redford. This husband and wife team display a love and respect for one another that is notable. I do not know how they manage their time and energy with so much going on in their lives, but they do, and they do it well. They are planting a church, raising a family, and succeeding in their careers all at the same time.
Kalamazoo has one of the most eligible bachelors in Michigan leading a church planting team on the campus of Western Michigan University. His primary passion is seeing others come to know and grow in Jesus Christ. When I watch the ease with which he meets and interacts with people, I am impressed. His sincere compassion for everyone is seen as he talks to a crowd of people one-at-a-time making each person feel valued.
It was said of a church planter in Traverse City, “He has made more friends and created more networks within a few months than I have though I have lived in this region for decades. He draws people.” My response was, “I am so glad God redeployed this couple to Michigan rather than letting them retire into oblivion.” Many around the beautiful bays of the north are going to hear about Christ because this couple is on mission.
If you can locate these following cities on a map, you will see where the Lord planted twenty-seven new churches these past three years!
Zeeland, Detroit, Wyoming, Grand Rapids, Redford, Petoskey, Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Clawson, Mount Clemons, Farmington Hills, Ypsilanti, Windsor, Grand Blanc, Wyandotte, Alanson, Plymouth, Westland, Waterford, South Lyon, Clio, Traverse City, Grand Rapids, Fenton
Would you like to know the names of the twenty-seven newest churches?
Hope Church, Refuge Church, New Life Church Detroit, CrossWinds Community Church Godfrey Lee, CrossWinds Community Church Westside, The Commonwealth of Faith, True North Community Church, H2O Church, The Valley Church, Church at Clawson, The Journey Church, Crossover Church, City Church Clio, Life Giver Church, Grumlaw Church, Heart & Soul Community Church, New Found Hope Community Church, Restoring Hope Church, Lake Life Church, Mile City Church, One Mission Church, Transformation Church, Mile City Church South Lyon, City Church Ypsilanti, Cornerstone Fellowship, Redemption Church Grand Rapids, The Way Church
Would you like to personally meet some of our church planters, their wives and hear their stories? You can if you will register and attend the upcoming Church Equipping Conference 2019 on September 28, 2019 at Cornerstone Baptist Church at 17017 East Twelve Mile Road, Roseville, Michigan 48066.
Please, prepare now. Make a list of influential people. Bring them with you for a day of inspiration from 8:30 to 4:00. I will host a “speed dating” time with church planters and their wives. Register as early as you can a place for yourself and 10-20 from your church at - they will thank you for inviting them.

Tony Lynn is the State Director of Missions for the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. Before coming on staff at the BSCM, Tony served as lead pastor for more than six years at Crosspoint Church in Monroe, Michigan. He and his wife, Jamie, also served with the International Mission Board in Africa and in Europe.