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The Book Bag: “Everybody Always” by bestselling author, Bob Goff

“Arguments won’t change people. Simply giving away kindness won’t either. Only Jesus has the power to change people, and it will be harder for them to see Jesus if their view of Him is blocked by our opinions.” Chapter One, page seven.

Bob Goff, is an unlikely sort to be found on the bestseller stand of our local book store, or speaking before literally millions of people telling stories and touching lives. He is not a preacher, nor a theologian, rather Bob is a lawyer, and were it not for his persistence he may not have garnered that achievement. Bob has a passion for people and it is this passion that permeates his books, and will motivate the reader to pursue their God-given passion in order to be fulfilled, happy, and successful.

“Everybody Aways” is filled with first-person stories and the lessons learned as Bob has become love to a world full of difficult people, challenging circumstances and scary surroundings. His love for people is best demonstrated in how he treats them. It has been written, Bob teaches love to others Jesus-style, with an extravagant grace. He believes God doesn’t want us to spend our lives studying Him, as much as imitating Him by being love to the world. It is time to step out from the closed doors of our churches and homes to express love to the unloved.

Another bestselling author, Carmine Gallo, of “Talk Like Ted” and “The Storyteller’s Secret” examines the way communications has become an art form of storytelling. We see it in our commercials, gone are the days of simply selling a product. Commercials take the audience on an emotional journey, “Love is what makes a Subaru,” “Eat a Snickers, you aren’t yourself when you’re hungry,” or an all time favorite, “Guess what day it is…” The American audience would be bored within seconds if a product was displayed along with a narrator telling of how good it is. “We” are visual snobs, and expect more. We want to be entertained.

As a result, the need for entertainment has driven speakers, authors and even preachers to share relational stories that can be tied to a message. The best stories make an emotional connection, and it is with emotions an audience is moved to action. That action maybe to get involved in a needy cause, or it may persuade the decision of that next purchase, but either way the audience has made a connection and are touched.

As you read, “Everybody Always” there is an almost certainty of connection. Goff’s stories are compelling and motivating. His writing style leaves you feeling changed, energized to do something, and want more. So, dig into your book bag and pull out this incredible read, “Everybody Always” that in the new year of 2019 your life will be different. If you don’t own it, there are both digital and hardback copies available. It’s another bestseller by Bob Goff.


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