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Baptist Beacon

IMB sets the 2018 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering national goal

RICHMOND, VA – Generous giving to the 2018 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® makes a massive difference in the world. Men, women, children, and entire communities are transformed as a result of this offering. Your gifts enable thousands of missionaries to live among, serve, and share the gospel with people who have never heard it until now. This year the goal has been set at $160 million.

Every December since 1888, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering has empowered Southern Baptist’s international missions work. At the beginning of this giving season, we start with a week of prayer dedicated to international missions, taking place December 2-9.

Through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, you and your church:

  • Support over 3,600 missionaries

  • Enable disciples to be made and churches to be multiplied around the world

  • Continue the SBC’s 173-year commitment to missions

Look for these stories and specific ways you can pray in this year’s Week of Prayer guide, as well as the accompanying videos.

  • Larry Pepper traded a space mission for a medical mission among the sick and hurting in Africa

  • God is using a small church in Tennessee to make a big difference in the work of IMB missionaries in Asia

  • Hispanic churches are crossing cultures and engaging the world with the gospel

  • A partnership between a Kentucky church and a Brazil-based team is reaching Sao Paulo with the gospel

  • Ukrainian believers are planting churches, trained by IMB missionaries and supported by a North Carolina congregation

  • The impact is mutual when American students travel to East Asia to serve college students alongside IMB workers

  • It takes the support of many churches to keep a small hospital running in Tanzania

  • Refugee ministry is both local and global for a church in Atlanta

God continues His work in the hearts and lives of persons around the world. Why don’t we get on board and financially support those on the front lines with the resources necessary. You and your church family can make the difference.

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