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Baptist Beacon

Giving strength and purpose to your church

JONESBORO, GA – God has a purpose for every church. There is much that He wants to do through every church. However, it has been our experience that God gives each church and its leaders “crossroads moments” in their history where they must make decisions based on faith if they are to continue to be used to fulfill the purposes God has in mind for them. It has also been our experience that the current health of any church is a summation of the decisions made over many years.

There are often times when churches must make changes, sometimes quite dramatic ones, but a church with Christ as its Head need never be discouraged or struggle. Recently, in the book “Flickering Lamps: Christ and His Church”, my father and I were given the opportunity to use his journey as pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan as an example of what God can do to revive any church. We believe God can, and will, transform any church if His people will surrender themselves fully to Him.

Blackaby Ministries International (BMI), in partnership with the North American Mission Board, has initiated a conference entitled “REVIVE: Christ and His Church”, and are partnering with associations and state conventions across the nation to bring this material to churches. I am excited that you will have the opportunity to join me on September 22, 2018 at Eastgate Baptist Church in Burton for the Church Revitalization Conference. We will unpack several significant truths, both from the “Flickering Lamps” book and from our ministry with pastors and churches in recent months.

Whether your church is experiencing positive spiritual health or finds itself plateaued or struggling, it is vitally important to be centered on and oriented to the Headship of Christ. It is my prayer that you will set aside time to attend the entire gathering in September, determined to park your heart before God, allowing Him to speak to you in fresh and transforming ways. Bring your key leaders so that together you can experience God’s heart for your

EDITOR'S NOTE: This year 25% of Frances Brown State Mission Offering will go to help Strengthen churches in Michigan, and will be used to support events and programs like the REVIVE Conference. The State Mission Offering and Week of Prayer is September 9-16. For more information and resources on the offering, please visit



Dr. Richard Blackaby is president of Blackaby Ministries International.


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