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A crown for a cross

ROSCOMMON, MI – Easter! Resurrection Day! Truly a time for reflection and celebration. We must reflect on the greatness of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. He made possible that which could never be achieved through human effort - a personal relationship with the Heavenly Father.

Colossians 1:21 puts it like this - “Once you were alienated and hostile in your minds because of your evil actions. But now He has reconciled you by His physical body through His death, to present you holy, faultless, and blameless before Him.” WOW! Even though I was once owned and controlled by evil and even though my attitudes and actions were wicked and vindictive towards His love, HE STILL GAVE EVERYTHING FOR ME! WOW! Forgiveness has been given, my status has changed from slave to free, able to stand holy, faultless, and blameless before the King of Kings!

What makes Easter even more amazing is its’ availability. This total forgiveness and freedom is available to all who believe and confess the Lordship of Christ. Our Heavenly Father would prefer all to accept the “gift” of Resurrection Day. It is not limited to a those of a particular race, color or economic status. It’s not even limited to those who are kind, good or moral. It is for ALL. As our church attendance increases on Easter Sunday it’s easy to see that a lost world is desirous of something more. Something life changing, a new status, a family, a refuge to run to, an anchor in the storm, a someone named Jesus. Let’s not be shy in introducing them to Him - forgiveness and freedom.

Finally, as I reflect on Easter, I am overwhelmed with the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. He literally gave-up everything for me and you. He embraced suffering so I could experience joy. He embraced death so I could have life. He gave up a home in heaven so I can call heaven home. WOW! The love of Christ for us demands a response. I love to write and sing worship songs as it is my personal response to what Christ has done. This song “A Crown for a Cross” is a feeble attempt to respond to the overwhelming, never-ending love of God!

“A Crown for a Cross”

Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, living to die,

Jesus, broken for my sin, battered and bruised, my only rescue

You saw me unclean, still You came to redeem me

You suffered my shame, still You called me by name

You gave everything, a crown for a cross,

a throne for no home, You suffered alone,

You poured out Your love, so extravagantly, You took my blame,

You gave everything, a crown for a cross

Jesus, laid in borrowed tomb, salvation had died,

Jesus, victorious over death, rose from grave, I am no longer a slave

I was broken apart, still You gave me Your heart,

I was living a lie, still You gave me new life

You gave everything, a crown for a cross,

a throne for no home, You suffered alone,

You poured out Your love, so extravagantly, You took my blame,

You gave everything, a crown for a cross

With my hands I will praise you with my voice I will shout Your name

With my strength I will serve You, all my life I will give You everything

With my hands I will praise you with my voice I will shout Your name

With my strength I will serve You, all my life I will give You everything

I will give You everything, I will give You everything




Mick Schatz serves on the staff of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan. He is the State Director of Spiritual Enrichment and Retreats and lives at Bambi Lake.


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