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The Power of One reaching women

'The Power of One'

FENTON, MI – I am blessed to work with a team of women dedicated to serving Jesus and the women of Michigan. I am thankful to God for these women and their support and commitment to building our team Jesus-style, and their focus on the needs of the women in our churches and across our state. The development, equipping, and commissioning of the Women’s Ministry Team continues to be an exciting process. The advancement of the ministry will continue to reflect what we believe to be the vision and direction of God.

Our objective is to build relationships and networks to assist in resourcing and supporting women leaders in ministry at churches of like-minded faith throughout our convention and state. The importance of developing and equipping new women leaders and the next generation will not be overlooked. Not on our watch! We will not permit a generation to lose the knowledge and understanding of the Cross of Jesus Christ. Reaching women in communities that need to know of the hope found only in Jesus is a commitment we intend to keep.

Jesus is the builder of the team and a leader is only as good as her dependence on the Lord.

'The Power of One' = Jesus!


The resources to help you raise awareness for the special mission’s offering and weeks of prayer will be provided by the women’s ministry team. Offering envelopes, prayer guides, and posters are free to our churches for each of the offerings, Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (March 4-11), Frances Brown State Missions Offering (September 9-16) and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (December 2-9). To order, simply email

'The Power of One' = Prayer Supporter, Offering Contributor, Missionary

Special Events

Are you ready for some girlfriend time? Are you ready for some “just you and God time”? When is the last time you sat before God without a To-Do list hanging over you, a pile of laundry you need to fold or transfer from washer to dryer, or family members pressing in on all sides? If you can’t remember, you need to attend a retreat, an intentional time away from it all so your soul can focus on being fed by the Lord.

“To retreat” means to leave our normal routines and go to a place of safety, quiet, and seclusion. By going to a retreat, we physically remove ourselves from life’s distractions, the call of chores, and the demands of people in order to make space for God. If you think you’re less spiritual because you struggle to hear from God in the distractions of your daily life, be encouraged. Even Jesus recognized the value and need to get away, regularly stepping away from the crowds, sometimes even His disciples.

In 2018, women’s ministry will offer several opportunities “to retreat”. Three day weekends at Bambi Lake, overnighters or one day conferences close to home, and three-hour evening sessions. All retreats will focus on bringing you closer to God and building ministry partnerships. Continue to check for retreat and conference information on our page at:, Strengthening, Women’s Ministry/WMU Missions.

'The Power of One' = Conference Leader, Renewed Retreater, New Believer

Care Support

Life is hard. We all need encouragement and support. Life isn't meant to be lived alone. As women in ministry we can come to a point of exhaustion quickly, if we are not careful. Care Support offers all women in leadership an opportunity to deepen their understanding of how much Jesus loves them. We provide safe and secure settings with other leaders who are available and willing to coach and mentor. We want to love on our leaders the way Jesus would.

We know that pastor’s wives and church planters (wives) carry a heavy load of responsibility as they care for their families, their husbands, and people in the church. We provide care groups to remind them that they are appreciated and loved. Care Support offers opportunities for new leaders and encourages younger women with a desire to get started in their ministry roles with a safe place to ask questions. Our desire is to make sure they have the resources and training needed to be our successful leaders of the future.

'The Power of One' = Coach, Mentee, New Leader, Pastor’s Wife

Social Concerns

The purpose of the Social Concerns group is to bring together leaders working in ministries so they can share their successes, concerns, and difficulties, network together and assist one another to better serve our churches and those in our communities. We serve to share information, communication, and network with many of our churches who are already doing social concerns ministries. This allows pastors, and leaders, the opportunity to gather with the many social concerns ministries, to encourage them, support them, and help them to better serve those in need.

Social concerns ministries that are now in place include: Multi-Cultural Relationship Building, fighting against Human Trafficking, Abortion Care, Addiction Care, Adoption Care, and Grief/Crisis Care.

'The Power of One' = Rescued Victim, Healing Addict, Adoptive Parent, Valued Person


You know God has called you to ministry, but where do you start? Looking for more resources to take your missions ministries to the next level? Pathways will provide, or can direct, you to foundational, advanced, and expert-level training within specific ministry areas. Whether you're looking to train volunteers, teachers, or missions leaders, we can direct you to resources to equip all individuals within your church. There are limitless ways to serve on mission. All you know right now is God has called you! Come, let’s discover all the various and exciting opportunities awaiting you.

If God has called you to it, there are resources out there and we will help you find them!

'The Power of One' = Bible Study Leader, Discipleship Shepherd, Evangelist, Missionary

Missions / Women’s Missionary Union

This year, Michigan WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) celebrates 60 years of serving in our state convention. How inspiring and encouraging to know that we continue a legacy of many who had a heart of passion and excitement to serve God. The women of WMU have always been there with prayer support and encouragement. Bringing together tools and resources that help churches realize the importance of the necessity of mission education, continues to be our focus. Awakening leaders by sharing insight into the social issues and what is happening around them, provides information to start much needed ministries in their communities. Opening doors to the world of mission whether the focus is local, national, or international, and creating a passion and a desire to be on mission and to go, wherever He leads. With knowledge, comes power.

'The Power of One' = a Church with a Missions Mindset (Preschooler, Child, Student and Adult)

Don’t ever underestimate 'The Power of One'! Take your place in God’s plan, be the ONE!

Seriously, as you read this article, I know God has been speaking to you and this hasn’t been the first time He has tried to get your attention. What is He asking you to do? Where is He asking you to serve?

Everyone who is saved by the power of His grace has ‘The Power of One”. You also have the choice to use that power. How will you use that power for His Glory?

'The Power of One' = YOU !



Sue Hodnett is the Women’s Ministry & WMU Consultant for the BSCM as well as the Executive Director for WMU of Michigan. She attends Lakepointe Church in Macomb, MI.


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