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MAAF goes to St. Croix

Baptist Beacon

LANSING, MI – Michigan’s African American Fellowship (MAAF) is excited to announce its first annual mission trip to St. Croix. The team went to assist church planter and former Michigan minister, Pastor John Smith, in serving the gracious people of this small island nation, August 14-19, 2017. The diverse ministry team consisted of thirteen (13) pastors and lay members, ranging in ages from 16 to 70.

Pastor Stan Parker, President of the Michigan African American Fellowship and mission trip participant, revealed the trip had a threefold purpose: expose, engage, and evangelize. The desire was to expose African American Churches to missions, engage churches in partnering with church planters, and evangelize so that others will make a decision to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. God did not fail as he allowed this threefold purpose to be accomplished.

The mission team began its exposure to ministry in St. Croix upon arrival by visiting the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Terrace, which would serve as the ministry focus throughout the week. The management team at JFK was very receptive and welcomed the mission team. This housing complex, which was composed of low-income individuals from various backgrounds, ranging from no religious beliefs to conservative Muslims, would serve as fertile ministry ground for the mission team.

Under the leadership of Pastor John Smith, the ministry team engaged in service to the individuals in the JFK housing complex throughout the week. These activities included the following:

  • Praise and prayer

  • Games/prizes

  • Crafts

  • Face painting

  • Water balloons

  • Food (hot dogs/burgers)

  • Fellowship

  • Teaching of lessons

  • Conversational evangelism

  • Door-to-door evangelism

  • 3-day revival

The mission team served more than 60 parents and children each day. And, by doing so allowed the team to share Christ with them, many of whom made decisions for Christ. The ministry team was able to glorify God by showering the beautiful people of St. Croix in His love. It is the prayer of the MAAF that the residents of St. Croix, will continue to accept Jesus as their personal Savior, that the saving of souls would continue daily, and the establishment of two bible studies in the JFK Complex in the near future. The mission team would like to conclude with a heartfelt thank you to Pastor John Smith. Thank you, Pastor John, for stepping out in faith to minister to the residents of St. Croix. God will surely reward your efforts!

For more information about future Michigan African American Fellowship (MAAF) ministry mission trips and/or if you desire to support the ministry in St. Croix, you may contact Pastor Stan Parker at (517) 853-9897.



Angela Spencer, currently resides in Lansing, MI and works as a Senior Business Analyst for Accenture. She is also a minister’s wife, and faithfully serves as the Church Administrator for Faith Fellowship Baptist Church in Lansing, MI where Dr. Stan Parker is the Pastor.

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