FENTON, MI – The Baptist State Convention of Michigan (BSCM) is celebrating 60 years of ministry! Our churches band together for strength and support as we reach into communities with the Gospel and love of Christ Jesus. We need to celebrate the good things. With all the craziness going on in the world, it is important to take a break in time to be thankful, share in decisions, and refocus for the future of reaching Michigan with the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ alone.
Come join us at the 2017 BSCM Annual Meeting on November 7th-8th at Middlebelt Baptist Church, 943 Middlebelt Road, Inkster. The importance of having the Annual meeting at Middlebelt this year is to mark the 60th anniversary of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan which began in the Detroit Association in 1957. Under the leadership of Pastor Larry E. Johnson (and wife Carmen), the church congregation will also be celebrating 60 years of ministry in the Inkster community.
The Annual Meeting is a good event for pastors, church leaders and members to come and connect with other Michigan Baptists. Through the reports, testimonies, preaching, and meals together, the churches are knit together in their common goal of seeing Michigan reached for Christ.
The keynote speaker (Tuesday evening 8:45pm) will be Dr. Kevin L. Smith. He serves as the Executive Director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware. He served as assistant professor of Church History and Christian Preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He’s married to Patricia and have 3 adult children and two adopted nephews.
The Convention meeting will begin at 1pm on Tuesday, Nov. 7th. Dan Dameron & Band will be leading worship. Pastor Tim Patterson will give his report as the Executive Director of the BSCM since the 2016 Annual Meeting. Scott Blanchard will present the 2018 Proposed Budget. The Bambi Lake Mission Action Team will bring their report and there will be an election of the BSCM Officers. The afternoon will conclude with Pastor Jerome Taylor preaching the President’s Message.
The evening break (dinner) is a great time to go to dinner with other pastors and churches. Your heart will be encouraged. The Minister’s Wives Dinner and the Church Planter Fellowship will have special events during this time as well.
Tuesday evening will kick off with the Middlebelt Praise Choir. This session will include the Michigan Church Starting Report. We will also hear from SEND Detroit and an IMB missionary, Dr. Larry Pepper. Dr. Kevin Smith will close the session by preaching the Word of God.
Wednesday, Nov. 8th will have the Michigan Church Strengthening/Evangelism report. Pastor Tim Patterson will preach the Executive Director’s Challenge. We will hear the Women’s Ministry and Disaster Relief reports. There will be a special Michigan Church Sending report that you won’t want to miss. And with all of that, the session ends near 12PM. Come and be a part of what’s happening with Michigan Baptists on Nov. 7th-8th.
The 2017 Pastor’s Conference is on November 6th, 10AM-5PM at Merriman Road Baptist Church, 2055 Merriman Road, Garden City (near Middlebelt Baptist). The Voices of Influence are Dr. Brad Jurkovich, FBC Bossier City, LA and Dr. Jonathon Akin, Director for Young Leader Engagement at NAMB. All are invited – you don’t have to be a Pastor to come!

Jamie Lynn, Administrative Assistant and Communications Coordinator for the BSCM, served as IMB missionary to Niger Republic West Africa, Paris France and Montreal Canada. Married to a great guy who loves serving the Lord, 3 adult children & spouses, and 9 grandchildren.