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Dive In – girls’ and teen girls’ mission camp

ROSCOMMON, MI – "...That moment when every girl in your cabin starts screaming bloody murder, and you think something is wrong but it’s just a daddy long leg." - Ruthie Bowman, Assistant Leader

...That moment a girl catches a fish, to only have it eaten by a bigger fish.

...That moment a young girl prays to accept Jesus as Savior.

These are moments to be treasured, and Girls’ and Teen Girls’ Mission Camp is a place to find those treasures. Ninety-four girls and leaders came from across the state to Bambi Lake for a week of diving into the Word, meeting our missionary from Russia and applying missions to their lives.

Through Bible study and quiet time, four young ladies prayed to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Through mission study, mission projects and our missionary, Jessie Hoyer, 10 girls made commitments to missions. Seven girls rededicated their life to Jesus. God was at work throughout the week making Himself known.

The week was full of activities and fun. Creative track times included drama, painting to music, sewing and learning how to use a storytelling cloth and henna. The sewing group made T-shirt dresses for mission teams to girls who need them.

“Our master seamstresses are going to make some young ladies very happy!” - Denise Dishon, Leader

The younger girls gathered for their mission project to count out bead activity packs to send to a missionary in Thailand. Each girl made five sets of a bead activity that the missionary could use to help girls in Thailand stay off the streets. More than 180 packs were made.

The missionary, with the help of two cabins of girls, led morning worship. The girls participated by reading the scripture, praying, introducing our special speakers and picking the songs to sing. It was the best way to start out our day!

There was swimming, boating, fishing, messy games, and Lori Burford, from the Department of Natural Resources, led the girls on a hike through the grounds of Bambi Lake. Campfires with s’mores and singing, water games, and mini-golf were all part of the fun. It was hard to pick a favorite activity.

Following the Girls’ and Teen Girls’ Mission Camp, the Mom and Me Weekend started about 4:00 pm on Friday afternoon. Nine girls, eight moms and grandmas, and five leaders spent the rest of Friday and Saturday together. The joy of seeing young moms who had once spent a week at Bambi Lake as a child was overwhelming. It was exciting to see them share their stories with the girls about their days at Bambi Lake.

“I can’t wait until next year for Mom and Me!” – Heather Sommers, Mom

“Thank you to all who took care of our girls this week.” - Erica Horton, Parent

“Thank you to all the leaders for giving your time this week! My daughter, Elli, and her friend, Chelsea, were blessed. The seeds were planted and watered. May the Holy Spirit bear fruit!!” – Pastor Matt Trombley

Thank you to the women and young women who volunteered to spend the week at Bambi Lake so that these girls could come and experience God in a very personal way. Memories were made and lives were changed.



Nelda Popkey who serves on the Michigan WMU Team as a past state president and is currently the Woman on Missions consultant. Nelda is co-director of our Girls' Mission Camp and a member of Eastside Community Church in Eastpointe, MI.


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