Newsjournal of the Baptist State Convention of Michigan | December 2024 | Volume 68, Number 12
What does love look like?
Blood drive
Delighted in the Lord
The Word is a weapon
Small in number, but mighty in the Lord
Most evangelicals chose Christ during childhood, new study finds
Dislike of organized religion, maltreatment cited by many ‘Nones,’ Pew finds
‘DR Family’ gathers for annual SBDR Roundtable
Religious donors keep giving to houses of worship and beyond amid inflation
German church plant thriving through intergenerational relationships
First-Person: A message of hope
Held captive by the Past
You’re going to need a bigger God in 2024.
Our calendar has built-in opportunities for alignment
A life and vision to glorify God
A mighty oak has fallen
Someone’s finish is someone else’s start
God is with us
Your best year ever
We serve a God of endless chances!